Dhammapada 13. verse 167-178

Lokavaggo : Chapter 13. The world

Chapter 13 of the Dhammapada is about the lokathe world“. The origin of loka means “space, open space“. 

There are many different worlds in our environment, the world on earth, the secular world, and also this world and the next world or the heavenly world.


Hīnaṃ dhammaṃ na seveyya, 
inferior truth not follow
pamādena na saṃvase;
carelessness not to-live-with
Micchādiṭṭhiṃ na seveyya, 
wrong-view not follow
na siyā lokavaḍḍhano.
not will-be follow world-increasing

Don’t follow wrong laws.
Don’t live carelessly.
Don’t follow wrong views.
Don’t go with the flow of the world.


It is not always a good deed because everyone else is doing it. In the public mind, more and more increase and improvement is a good. But this is a bottomless pit of “unsatisfieddesires.


Uttiṭṭhe nappamajjeyya, 
stand-up not-careless
dhammaṃ sucaritaṃ care;
truth good-deed does
Dhammacārī sukhaṃ seti, 
truth-do-one easily lie-down
asmiṃ loke paramhi ca.
this world others' or

Do hard!
Truth, as do good deeds.
Do not be careless.
One who does the truth will live happily
in this world and in the next.


If people are left alone, they will drift towards the easy way. If we don’t consciously do our best, we can easily go down the wrong path.


Dhammaṃ care sucaritaṃ, 
truth does good-deed 
na naṃ duccaritaṃ care;
not its bad-conduct does
Dhammacārī sukhaṃ seti, 
truth-do-one easily lie-down
asmiṃ loke paramhi ca.
this world others' or

Do not do evil deeds,
do good deeds.
One who does the truth will live happily
in this world and in the next.


We are habituated to act on the emotional impulses of greed, anger and ignorance. To do the truth, this habit must be changed. Changing habits is a difficult task.


Yathā pubbuḷakaṃ passe, 
like foam see 
yathā passe marīcikaṃ;
like see mirage
Evaṃ lokaṃ avekkhantaṃ, 
like-this world look-down
maccurājā na passati.
king-of-death find

If you look at this world
as a bubble or a mirage,
you will not be found
by the king of death.


When you can see that all phenomena in the world are as impermanent as a bubble and as insubstantial as a mirage, you have reached the state of enlightenment.


Etha passathimaṃ lokaṃ, 
come look-at world
cittaṃ rājarathūpamaṃ;
painting king-chariot-as
Yattha bālā visīdanti, 
there foolish sinking
natthi saṅgo vijānataṃ.
not-be attachment know-exactly

Now look at this world
like a king’s luxury car.
Foolish people are depressed,
but those who understand are not attached.


This world is full of glamour. Luxury cars, great houses, celebrity lifestyles. Foolish people feel depressed if they don’t have it. Even if they have it, the fear of losing it is still attached to them. In any case, their minds sink and they feel restless.


Yo ca pubbe pamajjitvā, 
one or formerly slothful
pacchā so nappamajjati;
after he not-slothful
Somaṃ lokaṃ pabhāseti, 
he-this world to-illumine
abbhā muttova candimā.
cloud free-from-like moon

Even one who were be slothful before,
if he is no longer slothful,
he lights up the world like the moon
that came out of the clouds.


Who is a slothful person? It is someone who does not pay attention to themselves and cannot see calmly and objectively what they are doing, saying or thinking.

If you feel lazy, stretch your spine and move!


Yassa pāpaṃ kataṃ kammaṃ, 
who evil done action
kusalena pidhīyati;
by-good-action swept-away
Somaṃ lokaṃ pabhāseti, 
he-this world to-illumine
abbhā muttova candimā.
cloud free-from-like moon

One’s sins are dispelled
by one’s good deeds.
He lights up the world like the moon
that came out of the clouds.


When you do something bad, regret, crying or apologising will not dispel the result of the bad action. The only way to dispel them is to do more good. Do not repeat your faults!


Andhabhūto ayaṃ loko, 
blind this world
tanukettha vipassati;
thin-here to-see-clearly
Sakuṇo jālamuttova, 
bird net-free-from-like
appo saggāya gacchati.
few heaven goes

This world is dark and cannot be seen clearly.
Only a few people go to the heavenly world
like a bird that has escaped from a net.


Why is this world dark? Because we are blind. We do not have a clear understanding of what we know and what we do not know.


Haṃsādiccapathe yanti, 
swan-sun-path they-go
ākāse yanti iddhiyā;
in-the-air they-go by-magical-power
Nīyanti dhīrā lokamhā, 
be-led-to wise world-from
jetvā māraṃ savāhiniṃ.
conquer mara sit-with-an-army

Swans fly towards the sun.
They fly with supernatural power.
Wises who have conquered Mara (vexations)
are guided out of the world.


Flying with supernatural power“, I believe, means to travel freely to and from the other space, which is beyond our common conception of space. Specifically, I think it means entering the state of jhana and experiencing the world of “arūpa-brahma loka(spiritual world without material elements)”.


Ekaṃ dhammaṃ atītassa, 
one truth against
musāvādissa jantuno;
falsely-say person
natthi pāpaṃ akāriyaṃ.
not-be evil not-duty

Someone who lies against the truth
will do any evil
without regard to the next world.


Those who do not want to sin, who do not want to do wrong, who want to live in peace and happiness, do not need to worry about the many evil deeds in this world. If you follow the one, “Don’t lie“, you will be a good person. Lying is the first step in any evil deed.


Na ve kadariyā devalokaṃ vajanti, 
not truly greedy heavenly-world goes
bālā have nappasaṃsanti dānaṃ;
foolish certainly not-praising donation
Dhīro ca dānaṃ anumodamāno, 
wise and donation with-rejoicing
teneva so hoti sukhī parattha.
because-of he be happy next-world

A foolish or greedy one
who thinks that giving is a loss
will not go to the heavenly world.
The wises are glad to share.
That is why they will be happy
in the next world.


Stingy people do not want to give to others. They take everything alone – things, places, information – and in the end it is they who suffer the most. The help of other living beings is essential for people to survive. “Giving is a loss“, which excludes others and cuts off connections. Then we will not be able to get help from others. Already unhappy.


Pathabyā ekarajjena, 
ruler-of-the-earth sole-sovereignty
saggassa gamanena vā;
to-heaven going or
sotāpattiphalaṃ varaṃ.
state-of-a-sotāpanna better

It is better to be a sotāpanna
than to be an emperor of the earth,
than to go to the heavenly world
than to be ruler the universe.


Sotāpanna is an enlightened person who has attained the first stage of enlightenment. Sota(ear/stream) + āpanna(entered): It means that just by listening, one has entered the flow of enlightenment. As the name suggests, the first stage can be attained by simply hearing the teachings. More detail about the stage of enlightenment.

Lokavaggo terasamo niṭṭhito.
world-chapter 13th finish

13. The world chapter is ended.

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