Satta bojjhaṅga

What is Satta bojjhaṅga ?

Satta: seven
bodhi: enlightenment; awakening
aṅga: angle; a constituent part; factor

Satta bojjhaṅga” means “The seven factors of awakening“. The Buddha said to bhikkus “They lead to enlightenment“.

The seven factors

Sati: Mindfulness

To maintain awareness of reality. Being aware of the phenomena of the present moment with the mind.

Dhammavicaya: Investigation of dhamma

Investigation of the nature of reality.

Viriya: Effort

Viriya is energy, an attitude of gladly engaging in wholesome activities.

Pīti: Joy

Joy, rapture. It is not enjoy myself , but empathetic joy.

Passadhi: Tranquility

Relaxation of body and mind. Feeling of lightness and comfort in body and mind

Samadhi: Concentration

One-pointed state of mind. The mind is focused and undisturbed.

Upekkha: Equanimity

To accept reality as-it-is (yathā-bhuta) without mental agitation.

Equanimity is a balanced mind. Equanimity means a mind without craving or aversion. It is not wanting the unpleasant sensations to stop and not wanting the pleasant sensations to continue.

During meditation

The Buddha identifies that mindfulness is “sabbatthika: always useful“. When one’s mind is sluggish, one should develop the enlightenment factors of investigation, energy and joy. When one’s mind is excited, one should develop the enlightenment factors of tranquility, concentration and equanimity.

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