
Sāmaṇera is a male novice of monk. A female novice is a “sāmaṇerī“.

In the Vinaya (monastic regulations), a man under the age of 20 cannot ordain as a bhikku (monk) but can ordain as a sāmaṇera.

Sāmaṇeras (and sāmaṇerīs) keep the ten precepts as their code of behaviour.

  1. Refrain from killing/harming living things.
  2. Refrain from stealing.
  3. Refrain from unchastity (sensuality, sexuality, lust).
  4. Refrain from lying.
  5. Refrain from taking intoxicants.
  6. Refrain from taking food at inappropriate times (after noon).
  7. Refrain from singing, dancing, playing music or attending entertainment programs (performances).
  8. Refrain from wearing perfume, cosmetics and garland (decorative accessories).
  9. Refrain from sitting on high chairs and sleeping on luxurious, soft beds.
  10. Refrain from accepting money.

Sāmaṇeras follow the monks in their training, doing odd jobs, before receiving the upasampadā precepts and becoming an official monk.

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